Bollywood star Salman Khan is planning to share his income with Bollywood workers. He stated that he wants to contribute a certain % of his earnings from his films to the workers in the industry.
The amount has not yet been finalised but it is likely to be 1% or half of his remuneration. He will take action after strategizing his initiative.
He also stated that he will sit with the leaders of the film workers association and enquire as to where the maximum sum of money is necessary.
Based on this the money will go there. While promoting a film, Salman will combine work with social work by giving some money and time to the under-Privileged people.
Based on this the money will go there. While promoting a film, Salman will combine work with social work by giving some money and time to the under-Privileged people.
He has not yet started publicizing his upcoming film Ready but he will make sure that there are about 15-20 places where he can pay a visit and help people under his NGO - Being Human and return back.
He has decided to save a certain part of money from the Promotional budget to help his charity.
Salman concluded by stating that instead of utilizing the money on promotions, PRs and other related matters, the money should be given to the country.
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